Friday, May 4, 2012


I haven't written in awhile due to everything that was going on with my mom and her cancer treatments, but I have some writing/career related news to share. I am very excited to announce that I have finally got a job as a writer! I am a journalist and online administrator for The Metropolitan--the official newspaper of MSU.

The job doesn't pay a ton and the paper is only printed once a month...but it is a great place to start, get some experience, and feel like I am making a difference!!

I got an idea for my second article that I am very passionate about--Bullying. This is an issue that I have experience with and I think it is time someone speak up about it--everyone possible in fact. This needs to stop--we as adults need to protect our young people from this type of abuse. No child should feel that the only way to escape the horrible treatment they endure is to take their own life.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Book List

I have decided to make a list of all the books I want to read over my lifetime...I have included books I have already read but want to read again. I also plan to add to it as I read more--unplanned books. It's crazy to me that I already have 110 books on the list!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Long 48 Hours

I think the past two days have been the longest in my life. I have been in pain for awhile, but last night I finally gave in and went to the hospital.

Little did I know, I was going to be stuck there all night long. We arrived at the ER at approximately 10:15pm and left there around 6:45am.

I managed to get some sleep when I returned my big comfy bed. I, however, had to get up before I was ready due to the fact that I needed to bring my mom to her radiation appointment. I have been incoherent and exhausted all day--don't even get me started on the pain and the bathroom factor in all of this.

To top off my "lovely" past two days, I found out that the ONE class I need to fulfill my major requirements for my degree is only offered during fall semesters. So...I prob will BORne graduating in April like I was supposed to.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Today MSU had their Fall Fest/Welcome Back Carnival on campus...unfortunately I couldn't find anyone to accompany me. Even if I had found someone, I don't know that I would have been up for it. I have been very run down and sick lately. Everything seems to be building up and I am unsure how to manage it all. I feel like I am breaking down and no one is here to catch me when I fall.

On the plus side, I got to enjoy some yummy Booya (soup) made by my brother-in-law. Dunham's bar was hosting the event. It tasted so amazing, better than I remember it being. I am really starting to love that I feel closer to my sister lately as well :)

Can't Sleep is twenty to four in the morning. Why am I awake, you ask? I have no flipping clue! I am overly exhausted and have been very stressed out. Yet, here I am, lying in bed staring at the ceiling. I need to learn how to turn my brain off...if anyone has any ideas, let me know!

Friday, September 16, 2011

School and EMS?

I have decided to register for an EMT refresher course. I was feeling really good about it until about two hours ago. I am feeling completely overwhelmed and am in a general state of panic. I am not sure how to handle all the stress and pressure I am under right now :(